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Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions of the Centipede-RTK Service


Centipede-RTK centralizes and makes accessible to any user equipped with the necessary equipment and who has previously taken note of this TS & Cs, a network of GNSS reference stations providing access to high precision "RTK" positioning data for agricultural research and related applications. This access is provided free of charge in the form of a usage license granted for an unlimited duration and does not entail any transfer of ownership to the user regarding the information made available through the Centipede-RTK Service. To ensure the integrity and appropriate use of the data provided by Centipede-RTK, the use of the service is conditioned upon the user's compliance with the following Terms and Conditions. The data provided by Centipede-RTK is licensed under the Open Data Commons Database Contents License (DbCL) 1.0, and users must comply with the terms of this license.


  • Legitimate Use and Regulatory Compliance: The data from Centipede-RTK must be used in accordance with this TS & Cs, the Open Data Commons Database Contents License (DbCL) 1.0, and applicable local laws and regulations in the country or countries where the service is utilized. Users must respect all current laws, regulations, and guidelines concerning the use of GNSS data, RTK and related technologies in their respective jurisdictions.

  • Responsible and Ethical Use: As a crucial condition of access to the service, Centipede-RTK users commit to using the services and data provided in an ethical and responsible manner. It is strictly forbidden to use Centipede-RTK for applications that could contribute to harmful, dangerous, or illegal activities, including but not limited to offensive military operations or any form of use intended to harm others, understood as states, individuals, legal entities, as well as groups and organizations, whether commercial or non-profit. This policy aims to ensure that Centipede-RTK's usage upholds the values of human life preservation and environmental protection, encouraging positive and constructive applications of technology.

  • Accuracy of Data: Users are responsible for verifying the accuracy and reliability of the data obtained through the Centipede-RTK service for their intended applications. Although Centipede-RTK strives to provide high precision positioning data, users must independently validate the data for critical applications. In compliance with current regulations (art. 8 Digital Service Act (EU)), Centipede-RTK is in no way obliged to a general duty of monitoring and verifying the activity of its contributors. However, some data validations are performed randomly on a best-effort basis.

  • Attribution: When using Centipede-RTK data in publications, regardless of the medium (material or online), reports, or other public presentations, users are committed to properly acknowledging Centipede-RTK as the source of the data, in compliance with the attribution requirements of the Open Data Commons Database Contents License (DbCL) 1.0.

  • Intellectual Property: In using the Service, users agree not to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others or Centipede-RTK and to avoid any illegal use or infringement of intellectual property legislation. Access to the Service is granted under a usage license that does not result in any transfer of data ownership to the user. The data provided by Centipede-RTK is subject to the Open Data Commons Database Contents License (DbCL) 1.0, which grants users the rights to use, share, and create derivative works based on the data, provided they comply with the terms of the DbCL license.

  • Commercial Use: With the essential condition of attributing its origin to Centipede-RTK, the data from Centipede-RTK may be used in commercial products, including reference bases and compatible equipment. However, any form of resale, redistribution, leasing, or offering the data for commercial purposes with the intention of competing, even indirectly, or replacing, leasing, offering, or reproducing the services provided by Centipede-RTK is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from Centipede-RTK (contact All commercial use must also comply with the Open Data Commons Database Contents License (DbCL) 1.0.

  • Privacy Protection: When using Centipede-RTK data, it is imperative to protect the privacy and rights of others. Users agree not to exploit the data in a manner that could directly or indirectly infringe upon the privacy of individuals or violate, even through negligence, data protection regulations.

  • Security: It is the responsibility of contributors (users hosting a RTK base) to take the necessary precautions to protect access to the Centipede-RTK network from unauthorized third parties. Contributors and users commit not to attempt to compromise the network's security or to gain unauthorized access to the data or infrastructure of Centipede-RTK.

  • Collaboration: Users are encouraged to contribute to the continuous improvement of Centipede-RTK by reporting any issues, sharing feedback, and collaborating with the community to develop new features or enhance existing ones. Centipede-RTK provides a reporting interface for users to notify any problematic use, with Centipede-RTK retaining sovereignty over the review of notifications received.

  • Data Redistribution: By accessing the network and service provided by Centipede-RTK, volunteer participants expressly consent to their GNSS data being made available as part of the service to be collected, processed, and redistributed free of charge through our platform. This redistribution aims to enrich and optimize the experience for all users of our service by promoting global access to RTK precision data, thereby enhancing the value of the information made available to the user community.

  • Liability Waiver & Indemnification Limit: Neither contributors nor the Centipede-RTK association can be held liable for damages directly or indirectly related to the use or dissemination of the network's data outside of any gross negligence exclusively attributable to Centipede-RTK. Users bear full responsibility for their use of Centipede-RTK data and must act accordingly. As a decisive condition of the free provision of the service, the indemnification that may be charged to Centipede-RTK in the event of gross negligence duly proven and exclusively attributable to Centipede-RTK shall not exceed as a lump sum and in full settlement the amount of 1 (one) euro per calendar year.

  • Legal Responsibility: Users must acknowledge their legal responsibility in case of violation of these TS & Cs or any applicable law and agree to comply with appropriate disciplinary measures in case of non-compliance with the TS & Cs, including suspension of access to the service.

  • Limitation of Liability of Hosts: Our service is hosted by several companies, public institutions, or NGOs that provide the necessary infrastructure free of charge without guaranteeing its permanent proper functioning, content, or continuous availability of the service. Any claims related to our Service should therefore be addressed exclusively to us. For any questions or problems, please contact us directly.

  • Suspension/Termination: Centipede-RTK reserves the right to suspend the service without notice in case of a user's failure to fulfill their obligations. If the breach persists following a formal notice sent by any means, including electronically, Centipede-RTK reserves the right to terminate access. Users may terminate the service at any time upon request made to

  • Privacy and Data Protection: In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other data privacy regulations, users must be aware that geographic positioning data sent by equipment to the Centipede-RTK network for the use of certain network features or for other reasons can be stored in a pseudonymized manner. This data collection aims to provide the service requested by the user or to analyze the functioning of the network to improve its performance. The collected data will be processed and stored anonymously in accordance with legal provisions on data protection. The maximum retention period is 6 months. Centipede-RTK guarantees its users a right to access, rectify, and delete data by writing to

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